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Category Archives: Flag Etiquette

Blog #24: When should Memorial Day stick flags be removed from graves?

-There is no set precedent on when they should be removed, although as soon as possible should be a priority. But realistically before the flags begin to fade and the staff gets warped. Both of which tend to happen in about a week or two, depending on weather. Thank you for your question! If you […]

Blog #23: Does the US Flag have to be burned if it touches the ground?

-The stigma around the flag touching the ground is more an issue of being suitable for display rather than symbolic. As long as the instance in which the flag touches the ground neither soils nor damages the flag, it may continue to be flown. If it is soiled it may be machine washed rather than […]

Blog #21: Is there a penalty for violating US Flag Code?

-No there is not, in US Supreme Court case Texas v. Johnson, it ruled that violation of Flag Code is protected under the First Amendment’s protection for freedom of expression. As a result it is unconstitutional for a State, County, or Municipality to pass laws against disrespect towards the flag. US Flag Code was passed […]

Blog #18: When hanging a flag from the ceiling in a building, what direction do you hang it in?

-United States flag code directly addresses hanging the flag from a ceiling in Section 7o:   When the flag is suspended across a corridor or lobby in a building with only one main entrance, it should be suspended vertically with the union of the flag to the observer’s left upon entering. If the building has […]

Blog #17: What is the correct order of Military flags?

-The order of precedence when flying military flags are in the order of founding, as follows:   US Army US Marine Corps US Navy US Air Force US Coast Guard   -Thank you for your question! If you have a question about flagpoles and flag etiquette email me at [email protected] and perhaps your question will […]

Blog #16: How should the US flag be displayed next to a religious or organization flag?

-According to United States flag code, the flag must be placed in advance of the audience and to the speakers right at an event:   When displayed from a staff in a church or public auditorium, the flag of the United States of America should hold the position of superior prominence, in advance of the […]

Blog #15 Flagpole hierarchy-how do I fly multiple flags on one pole?

-If you only have one flagpole but more than one flag you want to fly along with the United State flag, the US flag must go on the very top. Acceptable flags to fly below the US flag are POW/MIA flags, state flags (if there are multiple, the state where the flagpole stand goes first, […]

Blog #13: How are flags flown on nautical poles? Where is the gaff located? What is the yardarm?

-The flag located at the top of the mast indicates the vessel’s fleet. The vessel’s fleet could be the shipping company or the navy that owns the ship. The national flag of where the vessel originates is flown at the end of the gaff, the most honorable spot on the pole. The gaff is at […]

Blog #9: US flag as displayed on the uniforms of servicemen: Why are US flag patches backwards on uniforms?

Blog #9: US flag as displayed on the uniforms of servicemen Why are US flag patches backwards on uniforms? -The American flag patch placement in the armed forces is outlined in Army Regulation 670-1, “Wear and Appearance of Army Uniforms and Insignia.” The regulation outlines the rule for patch placement that even if the US […]

Blog #8: The US flag at half-staff: When should the US flag be flown at half staff?

Blog #8: The US flag at half-staff When should the US flag be flown at half staff? -Firstly, the US flag, when flown at half staff should always be raised to the top of the flagpole quickly and then gently lowered to half staff. Most days when the flag is flown it half staff it’s […]